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Tips for a Successful 2019

I find that for me, success comes year to year not because of any resolution I set, but through the tools I use along the way to help me reach my goals.  For the last few years, rather than resolutions, I’ve chosen a few careful words to live by, how I want to feel during the year, focusing my energies and decision making around that compass rather than any hard and fixed goals.  But whether you’re a regimented, goal oriented person or someone who takes a more soft focus approach, you won’t get anywhere in the new year without the right tools to help you along the way. So I’ve put together a few of my favorites to help you get going this year!

Get Moving!

One of the most important tools in my toolbox is physical activity.  I wake up each morning, and before I do anything else, I meditate for a few minutes, and head to my yoga mat to warm up my body. When I feel like I need to really shake up my energy I put on my sneakers and go for a jog.  Notice I said physical activity, not workout. For me, striving for exterior or cosmetic goals has never lead me to happiness, but getting my body moving to shift my energy, to work on what’s going on inside, has proven successful time and time again. Staying active improves my mood and gives me the energy I need to get through my day, to strive for my intentions, even when I am my most tired. 

For those hoping to find a new physical routine in 2019, friends of the blog, Studio 573 may be the perfect place for you! They just added hot yoga and barre classes! Looking to stay nearer the downtown area? The Yoga Studio on Dunlkin is your place. Anytime Fitness is an option too! 

Write It Out

Find a way to get your goals or intentions down on paper.  The act of writing things down and then seeing them in print makes things seem more real to me and always helps me follow through.  It’s also helpful to track how small daily actions accumulate over time to help you get where you want to be! 

My two favorites on the market right now are the Desire Map Daily Planner and Get To Work Book.  But if you’re hoping to shop local, I know Busch’s has stocked some stunning planners for 2019. 

Dive Deeper

Need some outside perspective or guidance to cheer you along as you work toward your goals? There are so many great motivators out there right now that no matter your style you’re sure to find a helping hand.  Here’s a look at all the titles from my personal development book club last year.  The best part is, I got them ALL at Downtown Book & Toy.  If they don’t have the title you’re looking for, they’re always happy to order it for you! This month we’re reading a title by Dolly Parton, and I can’t wait to pick it up this week!,

Perhaps my favorite part about this tool is that it’s flexible but hard working.  Not every title speaks directly to my needs or what I’m going through, but I do learn from each of them, and my perspective is never the same as when I started.  Though some, like Brene Brown’s Braving the Wilderness, were truly life changing for me. 

Listen Up

Who doesn’t love a tool that’s free and takes zero effort? I know I do! That’s why I listen to podcasts! Both Apple and Android phones come with a free app and a marketplace jam packed with FREE content on just about every topic.  I love a good conversation about goal setting, and these are two of my favorites: 

Oprah's Super Soul Conversations podcast has been one of my favorite discoveries this year.  I recently listened to her conversation with Shonda Rhymes about her "Year of Yes" and it was the perfect motivation for me to get excited about my own intentions for 2019.

I've been listening to Elise Cripe's One Little Word episodes since she started five years ago and I love having these conversations as a touchstone as I re-group each year.

Side note: Do we have any podcasters local to Jefferson City? Drop us a comment! We’d love to start listening! 

Fall Back on Your Tribe and Mentors

No matter where you live or what you do, having a core group of like-minded people to keep you going is incredibly valuable.  When I need support, I fall back on my friends Molly, Mel Rob, and Colleen.  They’re the best at kicking me in the butt when I need it, and offering heartfelt support when it’s called for. 

In Jeff City there’s no one better for this task that Nick and Angela of Training for Life! They offer the whole package, fitness, nutrition, life coaching, you name it! I’m a part of a few of their Facebook groups, and they’re constantly putting out great content. 

Get Oily

Are health and wellness goals at the top of your list for this year? What about mental health and mindfulness? Maybe you’re cutting out chemicals from your makeup routine? How about creating a more welcoming home for your family? Look no further than essential oils. I fell in love with Young Living Essential Oils because they made me feel better, smell better, and gave me piece of mind about what products I was using on my body and home. You’d be amazed at how versatile and simple to use each oil is. As part of my tool box they help ground me, let go of old emotions, and find clarity in my intentions. All while making me the best smelling person in town! ☺

Photo by Savannah Padget Photography

If you’d like to know more, I’m your girl! Visit Essentials with Syd on Facebook and let’s connect!

Great Playlist

Sometimes you just need a playlist of awesome songs by awesome lady artists to get you in the mood to set new intentions and goals.  Don't worry friends, I've got you covered! 

So, now that you’ve got some new tools, backed up by some truly awesome local businesses, get out there and show 2019 what you’re made of! 

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