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Get To Know Zoe & Dr. Bryce Koelling

This week we are getting to know Zoe and Dr. Bryce Koelling and their business, Koelling Family Chiropractice.

Q. What is your product or service?

A. Specific Gonstead Chiropractic: natural healthcare allowing the bodyʼs nervous system to communicate and function as God designed it.

Q. How many employees do you have? How many locations?

A. We have been in Fulton for 20 years (since March 1, 1999) and currently have 5 employees. We recently opened a clinic in Jefferson City and have been here since June 1, 2019. We currently have 5 employees in that location.

Q. What is the name of your business and why?

A. Koelling Family Chiropractic is our family name, and we love to help families of all ages. We want to take care of everyone that seeks our help as if they are family, and we want our family to learn and be an important part of the business of helping others with chiropractic. We desire to do the art of the chiropractic adjustment well.

Q. When and how did your business get started?

A. We opened Koelling Family Chiropractic in Fulton the same week Dr Bryce graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic. We knew we wanted to have our own clinic and after the purchase option of an existing clinic in Fulton fell through we decided we would just open from scratch. We didnʼt know anyone in mid-Missouri but moved here anyway believing this is the region God wanted us to serve & raise a family. Since then we not only have been actively serving Callaway County but have been active in the Jefferson City community for the past 18 years. Our family has always been excited and encouraging in our faithfulness to Godʼs plan for our clinics and ministry.

Q. What’s been your biggest failure/struggle - how did you overcome it?

A. Fear of the unknown. However, we are reminded that fear does not come from God. He wants us to prosper. 2 Timothy 1\17 states that God does not give us a spirit of fear but one of power, and love, and sound mind.

Q. How do you define success & how do you celebrate a win?

A. Success is defined as helping others. We know that as we help others achieve their goals (health or their ability to fulfill Godʼs purpose for their llife) then we will be able to fulfill Gods plan for us.

Q. What would you say are the top 3 skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?

A. Consistency of purpose, unwavering faith, and ambition to pursue the dream.

Q. What’s your favorite part of your business?

A. Our favorite part is helping people be able to live life to the fullest and reach their God-given potential. This being done by helping people regain and sustain their health without drugs or surgery, and strictly using the hands God gave me to perfect an art called the chiropractic adjustment.

Q. What kind of culture exists in your organization and how did you establish it?

A. Our culture is one of hope and happiness in healing. People often come to us in despiration and then find they were made for more than what they are experiencing in life . It’s a culture of caring and love and people bringing their family and friends for hope, as well as, healing.

Q. What are your future goals? 1 year? 5 years? 10 years?

A. We just celebrated 20 years in Fulton and have now opened our Jefferson City clinic. Gonstead chiropracric is so amazing we want to continue to serve others by doing the best we can at each location and then training new doctors to go to other communities as well. We see another 10 clinics across Mid Missouri expanding to multiple other locations in multiple states over the next 20 years.

Q. What’s quote or motto do you live by?

A. “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6\9

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”
Ephesians 3\20-21

Work hard. Pray harder.

Q. What are the advantages of being a business owner in Jefferson City?

A. An amazing advantage of being a business owner in JC is that it is full of incredible people. We have the potential to help as many people that want help. We have the ability to change lives and make world changers daily. We are excited for what God has planned for this entire mid-Missouri region!

Q. Do you use any entrepreneurial tricks to keep you motivated and productive in your day to day business schedule?

A. No tricks. Just focus on our mission and dream. We shouldn’t need any ‘outsideʼmotivation if we are waking up daily ready to fulfill God’s plan and the dream He’s given us.

Q. How is community involvement important to your business?

A. We are all here to serve. Part of how we serve our community is by helping those in need achieve their ability to serve. More healthy people means a healthier and more productive community.

Q. What are you most thankful for in your business?

A. I am most thankful knowing God has a bigger plan of abundance and grace than I can even imagine. And that as he plants amazingly immense dreams to help and advance His kingdom He will not give us more than HE CAN HANDLE. I am so grateful He wont abandon us and leave us hanging!

Q. Who are your biggest supporters?

A. My biggest supporters are my true friends & family. Those that donʼt support donʼt really care about you so you find out who matters. Surround yourself with positive big thinkers and dreamers and you’ll go places! Who are your top 5 closest friends? Youʼll be a product of them.

Q. Do you have any advice for those just getting started?

A. Getting started? get started. You can dream and plan and then create paralysis by analysis!! ACTION IS KEY. Just get after it and hustle. Work hard. Be a difference maker and world changer. Live with purpose and ambition to achieve more than just YOU are capable of.

Q. What’s your go-to business or industry specific book you recommend?

A. Books: Bible, ʼE-Mythʼ (Gerber), anything by John Maxwell, start with ‘Developing the Leader Within 2.0ʼ, then ‘Leadershiftʼ, ‘Love Worksʼ (Mansby), Simon Sinek ‘Start with Whyʼ, ‘Compound Effectʼ (Hardy), the list goes on....

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