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Missy & Sarah’s 2020 FOCUS Words

Last year we started business coaching with Gary Wilbers and one of our favorite things we learned was this trick for becoming the type of person you want to be.

What you’ll need:

  1. Your phone

  2. A vision of who you want to be

Here’s what you do:

Set your alarm for the same time every day and title it 3 words that represent the person you want to become - your focus words. Every day, you’ll be reminded of these words no matter what your schedule looks like.

I set mine for 7 am because I know I won’t be in a meeting that early and I like to start my day off with the reminder. Lunchtime or evening might work better for you! Just do what works for you.

Last year my words were Fit, Admirable Leader, and Kind. I really loved it when the alarm went off and I was outside working out already. It really felt good.

This year I chose to add on a word, but really, if you just want to choose one word, that’s better than nothing. Another thing you can do is do one word for a different time of the day. You can thoughtfully schedule your words according to how your schedule typically plays out.

My 2020 words:

Fit, Empowering, Wealthy, Inclusive

I kept Fit on there because even though I’ve been working on it for an entire year, I still need to be reminded of my goals and keep myself from “falling off the wagon.”

Empowering because I want to focus on consciously lifting others up.

Wealthy because I’m working on my mindset regarding things have value to me such as flexibility, freedom to create, and opportunity. To me, this is not rich, but wealthy.

Inclusive because even though I have an open mind and I like to consider myself accepting of all people, I know I can do a better job with who I surround myself, the opinions that I collect, and the empathy I show toward others. In the work that we do and having platforms such as this blog and Jefferson City Magazine, I believe it’s important that inclusivity is always on our radar.

So there’s mine! Now it’s time to hear from Sarah and what she’s working on this year!

If you know me at all, you know goal setting is one of my favorite things to do. When I was a Spanish teacher, I thought it was so important that I made each of my students do it when we came back from winter break. Even though it had nothing to do with my curriculum, I wanted to kids to know how valuable it is.

Last year I just chose one word hygge (hue-gah). If you don’t know, hygge is a Danish word for a mood of coziness and a feeling of wellness and contentment.

This word was perfect for 2019. It reminded me to slow down and enjoy. In fact, I even created a room in my house we call the hygge room. In this room we sit, have conversations, drink hot tea and wine, and stay off electronics (most of the time 😜).

In 2020 I want to continue to create a hygge lifestyle, but I also want to add more words and keep trying to better. This year I chose three words, and just like Missy, I set my alarm to go off with them everyday at 7:00 am.

My 2020 words:

Strong, Simple, Welcoming

Strong is something I want to be in all areas of life. Obviously, I want to physically be strong becauseI think it is so important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This is something that I let slip in 2019, so this year I want to make a point to get back to it.

Mentally I want to continue to have a strong and healthy mindset. It is so easy to get down and focus on the negative, but I want to be strong and disciplined enough mentally to focus on the positive.

I also want to use a strong mindset to be more assertive. It’s hard for me to ask people for things or tell people what I want without backing down. This is some thing that will definitely help in my professional life.

Simple is another word I want to use in all areas of my life. I tend to make things more complicated than they need to be. I want to take this year to really focus on what is important and those are usually the simple things in life.

Welcoming is the third word that chose. I want to be kind, but I also want to take it a step further. I want to go out of my way to smile and make people feel good and welcomed. Whether someone is coming to my house for a get together or I just run into someone at a coffee shop, I want them to feel like I genuinely care about how they are doing and what they have to say.

That’s it! Those are my words for 2020 and I can’t wait to see what a positive affect they will have on this year.

We want to know!

What word(s) are you choosing this year? Tell us in the comments!

Thanks to our friend of the blog:

Join us at the Goddess Fit Fashion show Jan 10th!

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