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Meet Nick Pantaleo of Capital Investment Realty, LLC!

Nick Pantaleo, and his wife Lindsey, have been managing properties all around Jeff City for the past 3 years. I am sure you have seen one of their yard signs out and about. We were lucky enough to get to ask Nick a few questions about his business, as well as, some of his local favorites.

Q: What made you want to start this business?

A: My wife, Lindsey, and I had been investing in rental property since our early 20’s. After living in Jefferson City for a few years, we decide to start purchasing locally. We discovered there wasn’t a property management company that offered the services that we look for as investors. While I was completing my masters’ degree at Williams Woods, I started researching the market and put together a business plan for a technological advanced real estate company that focuses on property management.

Q: What is one thing you wish people knew about your business?

A: One thing I wish people knew about my business is that we look for opportunities and various ways to assist property owners in order to maximize their real estate investment.

Q: When people are seeking to hire a property manager, what should people be looking for?

A: The first thing someone should look for when they hire a property manager is that they are a licensed REALTOR in Missouri. State law requires a real estate license to manage property for other people. They should also look for a company that is growing and changing as technology advances, while offering those services to tenants and owners.

Q: Do you have any goals for your business in the near future? If so, what are they?

A: We have several goals, one of which is to grow our current market share in the Jefferson City area. We will continue to strive to offer the best rental homes in the area while offering excellent service to our tenants and property owners.

Q: Where is your favorite place for a lunch meeting?

A: Our favorite lunch place is Coffee Zone. We enjoy the downtown atmosphere and you can’t beat a gyro salad!

For more information on Capital Investment Realty visit their website for find them on Facebook.